Welcome to the BRooklyn Junior Autistic Golfers Academy
BJAGA specializes in providing tailored recreational services to youth with Autism

BJAGA specializes in providing tailored recreational services to youth with Autism
BJAGA creates recreational experiences for children and youth with Autism across New York City, Long Island, and Nassau County. We cultivate independence through specialized golf instruction and activities to assist in developing essential life skills with comprehensive support to their familes.
BJAGA provides tailored golf recreation for children and youth with Autism, promoting independence, community, and life skills, with added family support.
BJAGA Values:
1. Each child's independence through
quantifiable, tailored recreational
golf instruction and activities
2. Community and fosters socialization
3. Families, by providing dedicated
Brooklyn Junior Autistic Golfers Academy is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides a tailored approach by utilizing recreational golf to support children and youth with Autism. BJAGA engages youth in achieving greater independence, discover their potential, and engage in their communities, all while providing essential family support.
The Brooklyn Junior Autistic Golfers Academy
P.O. Box 20171
Brooklyn, New York 11202
Email: BJAGA@earthlink.net
Website: WWW.BJAGA.NET Cell: 201-892-3278 - 917-200-7702
Please feel free to visit during business hours.